Contact UsMembership
Membership is open and can be applied for through Target Shooting Ireland’s online shop
Details of different membership types are listed below.
Electronic or paper forms can be supplied on request instead of applications through the online system. Please contact
Membership Types
MF01 – Individual Members
Full individual members will pay a fee of €25 per annum. Such members must use form MF01 to apply for, or renew their membership. Rights, privileges and responsibilities for this and all classes of members are set out in the Articles of Association. Primarily, full membership confers the right to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. Full Individual members are not required to be members of affiliated clubs or associations.
CF01 – Affiliated Member Clubs or Associations
Affiliated member clubs or associations will pay a fee of €250 per annum. Application for affiliation is to be made on form CF01. The club may authorise any two members who are also members of the Association to attend and vote on their behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the NTSA provided notice of such authorisation is given to the secretary not less than 15 days prior to the AGM. The affiliated club/association may also nominate some or all of their members for membership of the association and submit their details on form CF02. Applications for affiliation should be accompanied by copies of the club/association’s constitution and rules. All clubs and associations applying for affiliation are advised to read and comply with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the TSI which can be downloaded from the TSI website.
CF02 – Affiliated Club or Association Members
Club or Association members (members of affiliated clubs or associations) will pay a fee of €5 per annum. Such members must use form CF02 to apply for or renew their membership, but this form must also be accompanied by a completed form CF01 unless the application for membership is subsequent to their club’s or association’s application for, or renewal of their affiliation. Membership is contingent on their club or association being and remaining affiliated to the TSI.